Dynamic Facebook Comment Box for Blogger
If you are look for facebook comment box different comment box for every blog post, then your search is over. This post is only for those visitors whose search query is something like you.Some days ago i was looking for facebook comment box like you. Subsequently i made a search for it and got a procedure to add the upgraded facebook comment box to my blog. It was working perfectly but i was not satisfied with it due to some unusual reasons...
- First reason : The facebook comment box remains same for all blog posts,
- Second reason : It's check-box (post to facebook) was unchecked by default and any blogger never want so. because one uses fb comment box to reach more and more peoples,
- Third reason : In recent days fb made some changes in fb comment box scripting taking in mind the misuse or spam of comment in facebook. In this order they added a verification page to post a comment even at fb and most of commenters avoid it. that's a disadvantage of this.
- First, It works as default code for any site or blog. There is no need to change any part of it or no need to go to fb developers page to create any extra code.
- Second, Post to Facebook check-box checked by default.
- Third, If commenting person post a comment on your site leaving check box checked then the same comment will be post to their wall silently without requiring any extra verification and that's the thing everyone looking for. Otherwise in new fb comment boxes, an additional message appears something like Your comment is not posted to facebook yet. Do you really want to post it fb. And that's an annoying thing no one want to follow it. Seems as a minus point.
Now it's the process to add facebook dynamic comment box to blogger or any other site...
- For Blogger First of all take a complete backup of your template for that Sign In to blogger and go to Template. Download the backup copy of your template by clicking up the tab on right top corner.
- Now go to Template > Edit Template,
- This time the html editable window is in front of you.
- Search <body> or <body in this window using ctrl+f.
- Put this code just after body tag.
<div id='fb-root'/> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script> |
7. Now the next code (you can put anywhere as you wish or put there where you want to display your comment box) is as below....
<fb:comments colorscheme='light' expr:href='POST URL HERE' expr:title='POST TITLE HERE' expr:xid='DYNAMIC ID HERE' width='500'/> |
Note: There is only need to change the width according to you.
Now the job to add dynamic (different fb comment box to each blog post) has been done!!
If there is any question just leave a comment.